Tuesday, September 11, 2007

30 Weeks

By popular demand my BELLY!!!! I had Justin take a quick picture. I did one for my sister's with the bare belly!!! ;) According to the ultrasound tech Baby H is almost head down. She is kinda diagonal. Her head is by my hip and her knees are resting underneath my ribs. Ouch!!!! Off to bed now. Will try and get more pictures up another time!


Simon and Michelle said...

Thank you, thank you, thank you. I am so glad to see that belly. You look great. Good luck and keep in touch.

Gramps said...

Hey there i wanted to look at you head to toe not just your belly...just to see how you two fit together...its a dad thing. Thxs for the pic...missy beat me cuz i had to get my goggle name i forgot then my password i forgot then blah blah blah but lost the first message to you cuz that lol....love ya only 9 hrs to your house after take off..

Anonymous said...

You may want to change the settings on your comments so you don't get spam and stuff. So why does "gramps" comment on yours but not mine??? Probably b/c your belly is a lot cuter than mine. Thanks for the updates. The 4D picture is crazy. Take it easy and we'll see you in a few weeks. Love,Heidi

Simon and Michelle said...

I know what Heidi's talking about. Haven't heard any comments from a few certain people in a while too. You are doing awesome Paradise. Keep on truckin!!!!