Tuesday, September 11, 2007

30 Weeks

By popular demand my BELLY!!!! I had Justin take a quick picture. I did one for my sister's with the bare belly!!! ;) According to the ultrasound tech Baby H is almost head down. She is kinda diagonal. Her head is by my hip and her knees are resting underneath my ribs. Ouch!!!! Off to bed now. Will try and get more pictures up another time!

Baby Hanke

Now that we are officially starting our family I feel like we should have a blog! Yea!!! On Monday Justin, Mom (Dolly,Cathi), Kari and I went to Las Vegas to have a 4d ultrasound. It was so amazing seeing our baby. We had an hour long session. We got a DVD, and a CD with tons of pictures on it. In a lot of the pictures her hand was in front of her face or the umbilical cord was blocking part of her. One of the pictures her foot is on her forehead. She is very limber. We are so excited for her arrival. But patiently waiting. We just purchased the crib and a dresser/changing table (thanks Ted and Linda!). The room is painted. Only took four coats of paint to cover the orange walls. Now we just need to touch up a few things.

All in all I feel great. I am going to try and work up til my 36th week. If I succeed I will be able to be home with our baby ten or eleven weeks. Instead of the six weeks. So to me it will be worth all the back aches I am having.